
18.01.2016  13:21

19-46  报纸、杂志、图书出版种数
Publication of Newspapers, Magazines and Books
单位: 种(item)
指            标1980199020002005201020132014
报          纸Newspapers Published6286565637474
  综 合 报  General Newspapers2182831293030
  专 业 报  Special Newspapers4103734344444
期          刊Magazines Published84141167163163160163
  综      合  General Magazines6111555
  哲学、社会科学  Philosophy and General Social Sciences10335242393941
  自然科学、技术  Natural Sciences and  Technology47637873717372
  文化、教育  Culture and Education9272128292627
  少年儿童读物  Children's Books2378777
  文学、艺术  Literature and Art10138910910
  画      刊  Picture Books12211
图      书Books362126421583011386958126134
  # 课      本  Textbooks134329583839689453442